[F4M][script offer] You Caught Her Masturbating!

By SmutGrrl


[F4M][script offer] You Caught Her Masturbating! Erotic Hypnosis Script

Oh, fuck. Yes. Oh god. Oh, I'm so close. Oh, god.

I wouldn't come so mad. If if oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, Oh, shit. Oh.

Oh, boy. Hi. Yeah. Wow. Okay.

Yes. Yep. I am in your room, naked. Yep. Here I am.

Mhmm. Naked in your room, on your bed, yeah, with my hands between my legs. Not much more I can say about that. Oh, yep. That's a that's a good question.

Can you just Hand me my bathrobe, please? Right. Not until I answer your question. Okay. So I thought that you would be out for the night, so I just, you know, I came in here.

Well, technically, I Didn't actually come in here. I mean, I came in here, but I didn't come in here yet. Damn it. I don't even know what I'm saying right now. Can can I have my robe now?

No. Okay. Because I didn't answer the question. So why am I in your room lying naked on your bed Masterbating? Well, how do I say this?

I was feeling kinda well, you know, like I needed to relieve some stress. Yes. I could have done it in my own room. The thing is, well, I like the …