F4M Running an internet meeting while you [sneak] turn me on!

By SmutGrrl


F4M Running an internet meeting while you [sneak] turn me on! Erotic Hypnosis Script

Oh, hey, darling. No. I didn't hear you come in. What's up? Yeah.

I'm fine. Just doing some work. No. Not at all. You can definitely sit around as long as you don't make any noise.

What's that? No. Sorry. I can't take a break right now. I really have to get this stuff done.

Otherwise, I disappoint my colleagues. Thanks for understanding. Alright. I better get back to work. Here.

Sit down, relax And let me know if you need anything, okay? So sorry about that everyone. Let's continue where we last left off. Great. Okay.

I was thinking of assigning both of you to do the back end programming. Yes. This is for the company website. It's imperative that we have this completed by next month. The board is requesting that we provide sorry.

One moment everyone. Thank you. Babe, what the hell are you doing? I felt you touching me from behind. No.

Honey, I can't do this right now. Well, Fine. Just be quick. Okay? And don't be too rough down there either.

Sorry about that once again. Now where were we? Ah, yes. So as I was saying, the board is requesting that we provide an unpublished version of the website to demonstrate …