F4M Naughty Nanny: Congrats on turning 21 young master!

By SmutGrrl


F4M Naughty Nanny: Congrats on turning 21 young master! Erotic Hypnosis Script

Good evening, sir. Did you ring for me? Yes. Of course. I've run your bath for you.

By the way, congratulations on your 21st birthday. You're most welcome. You know, sir, it's been quite a journey for me. I remember the day your mommy brought you home from the hospital. I was only 21 back then, the age you are now.

Still nursing my first baby. And that's why your mother hired me, To be your wet nurse and live in nanny. You didn't know that. I raised you as if you were my own. Yes.

Of course, I breastfed all of my little ones. I'm still weaning off the youngest. In fact, It would be a relief to stop, to be honest. I still have to express my milk sometimes so my breasts don't get too full and achy. Such a long time ago.

Now look at you, all grown up. Excuse me, sir? You want me to do what? You want me to bathe you right now? Well, sir, I don't think I could.

That would be highly irregular. Yes. Yes. I know you're an adult now. Of course.

Of course, I think you're handsome. Of course, I think you're handsome. Thank you. I'm …