[F4M] Human Sexuality Assignment your neighbor

By SmutGrrl


[F4M] Human Sexuality Assignment your neighbor Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hi. I'm your neighbor from across the street. Oh, you've seen me before? Okay. So, well, damn.

You're huge. I I mean, I didn't realize from across the street how big you are, but then again, everyone is big compared to me. I'm just under 5 feet tall. Can I ask how tall you are? 6 feet 4 inches.

Okay. That is really tall. Oh, you played college football? That explains why you're so, well, you know. I mean yeah.

Okay. I haven't really met any football players in college. They typically go for the tall, thin cheerleader type, not the nerdy intellectual Thick booty type like me. Anyway, well, the reason I'm here is, well, to ask you for your help with my college paper. Do you have a few minutes to answer some questions for me?

Okay. That's great. Thank you. Before we go any further, I should tell you that I'm studying human sexuality and that the questions relate to some very specific aspects of your, sexual, you know, activity. Are you still willing to help me with this survey, or is that too, you know, personal.

Why am I asking you? Well, I'm too embarrassed to ask my friends and family. …