Good Puppy Clicker Training Erotic Hypnosis Script
Hey there, my good puppy. How are you? I hope you're doing well, my good puppy. Yeah. You'll be okay.
I'm right here. Hi. I feel like we haven't seen each other in so long, puppy, and I just wanted to make sure that you're still obedient to me and that you still like the sound of my voice? And, of course, you do. You're good.
You're sweet, and you still Adore me. Isn't that right? My good puppy, I want you to relax. I don't want you to think at all. I want you to just lay there and listen.
It's all gonna be okay, my good puppy? Mhmm. You remember that clicker, don't you? Of course, you do. You love that clicker, don't you, puppy?
Every time you hear it? You get these pings of pleasure, and I know you remember that, in that strong trigger that is deeply embedded into you? My good puppy. But maybe having it gone for so long Has just made you miss it so much. It's made you miss how it feels and maybe being such a dumb dog?
You might have even forgotten how it's supposed to feel down at its core. So listen to me, …
Hey there, my good puppy. How are you? I hope you're doing well, my good puppy. Yeah. You'll be okay.
I'm right here. Hi. I feel like we haven't seen each other in so long, puppy, and I just wanted to make sure that you're still obedient to me and that you still like the sound of my voice? And, of course, you do. You're good.
You're sweet, and you still Adore me. Isn't that right? My good puppy, I want you to relax. I don't want you to think at all. I want you to just lay there and listen.
It's all gonna be okay, my good puppy? Mhmm. You remember that clicker, don't you? Of course, you do. You love that clicker, don't you, puppy?
Every time you hear it? You get these pings of pleasure, and I know you remember that, in that strong trigger that is deeply embedded into you? My good puppy. But maybe having it gone for so long Has just made you miss it so much. It's made you miss how it feels and maybe being such a dumb dog?
You might have even forgotten how it's supposed to feel down at its core. So listen to me, puppy. We are going to work on that. I'm going to remind you of exactly how good this clicker feels, and you are going to enjoy yourself. And I will enjoy myself as well.
And that's how this dynamic works, puppy. I talk and you listen and you love that, and I love to do it to you. I'm very, very good puppy. So just lay there and close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Good.
In, And out. Good. At your own pace, my good puppy? Each time you hear that clicker, you feel very, very nice. There are no obligations here.
Just relaxation at this point in time. It's okay. I know you're excited, but just stay with me. Okay, puppy. Good.
Good job. Good job. Just breathe with me in and out as you lay there or sit there or wherever you are when you listen to this audio? You're just going to relax with me for now, my good puppy. Just lay there And do your best.
I want you to envision your entire body laying flat on the most comfortable surface you can imagine? For me, that would be my bed, but maybe for you, That's a blanket on the floor or in your doggy bed or maybe in a cute crate that you've tricked out Or whatever you like to lay on. As long as you are a very comfortable puppy, all is okay. Just keep breathing deep at your own pace. In And out.
Good puppy. Stay relaxed for me and lay there. And I want you to focus on all the tension in your feet and ankles, And that shouldn't be too hard. I know lots of puppies out there have jobs where they're on their paws all day, and that's okay. As of now, You can just relax and enjoy yourself.
It'll be okay. I promise, puppy. So just lay there. Focus on all the tension in your poor little feet and ankle, And I want you to stretch them out real quick. Oh, big stretch.
Good job, buddy. And when you stretch those legs, those ankles, I want you to lay them back down and Feel just how much more relaxed they've become. And that's easy. You understand that. You know, after a nice big stretch, You feel a lot more comfortable.
And now that you're all relaxed there, You can imagine that part of your body getting so much heavier. The unwillingness to move that part of your body now that it's Finally settled into a spot. My good puppy. Feeling so good and doing so good as you listen and you obey so simply. That relaxation in your feet and your ankles traveling up your thighs and to your hips, And we hold a lot of tension in our hips.
That is a crux of our weight, and it's okay. You can just relax this part of your body now. If you wanna wiggle it one more time or stretch it or just Lay there and let your weight finally settle. It can feel so very nice. My good bubby.
And that feels very good, and it makes you want to move on to the next part of your body. My good puppy. Traveling up from your hips all the way up your torso and your shoulders and your arms and your hands All at the same time, I want you to give me a big stretch. Oh, big stretch. Good puppy.
Good job. And as you stretch out all of those individual parts of your body, it can feel so nice and you can lay them back down into a more relaxed and heavy state? Lay them at your sides, and it's totally okay if you need to move around or shift around or change position as long as you are making yourself comfortable. You're doing exactly as you should, my good puppy. And moving on from your arms and your shoulders up to your neck?
Another spot we hold a lot of tension in, and you can move that And stretch it out and feel yourself relaxing even more knowing that the only tension left Is in your face, in your head, and, of course, you can relax that for me, my good puppy. Relax all of that last lingering tension as your body feels so much heavier, my good puppy. All of your body relaxing so much more. And if you close your eyes, keep them closed the way you've been doing? You can feel all of that weight of the world gently pressing down on you, making it feel like you can't do anything but lay there and enjoy this relaxation, my good puppy?
And it feels so nice. It feels so good to enjoy this relaxation, to feel so heavy. It's almost like The weight is making you sink into whatever you are laying on right now. Maybe this weight can feel like Sandbags or a weighted blanket, or it can just be this familiar sinking feeling. I know when I Get ready for bed, and I get really, really relaxed.
I get this feeling when I'm about to fall asleep, But my mind is still barely awake. I get this feeling where I feel like I'm sinking in place? Like, as I'm laying there, everything else is going up around me? And I am just falling so deep, Sinking so deep, and it's so easy, and it feels so good to feel this way. My good bubby, You feel this way too right now?
You find yourself becoming very aware of that and really enjoying it, My good puppy. It feels so very good to lay here and relax And to enjoy how this feels. This nice deep relaxation, my good puppy, Can make you feel so nice and so good. And the longer you hear me speak while you feel this very powerful sensation? The longer you can stay like this.
And, of course, you begin to associate this feeling with my voice every time you hear me speak in this nice Hushed tone where I'm sort of talking down to you, my good puppy. You are reminded of this feeling you have right now, And, of course, we can associate 1 single word with this nice, deep relaxation, And that word can be drop. That's right. The feeling of sinking, of feeling so heavy, of feeling yourself go deeper, my good puppy can be associated with the word drop, and that feels so fucking good every time you Here in your little puppy ears. My good puppy.
And it's the sort of thing that you don't even have to consciously make yourself do. It's a feeling that just comes so naturally, And you feel all good and all tingly. You get those butterflies in your stomach. You get that heaviness in your mind. That dreamlike state starts to creep up on you and push you down when I say, drop.
That's my good puppy. My very, very good puppy. And you enjoy this. You enjoy this feeling so very much. Sinking so much deeper with every time I say, Draw.
We can call this feeling trance. It can be some sort of Easy state of hypnosis that you found yourself in, and hypnosis is very, very common. We all experience hypnosis in one way or another every single day, whether we realize it or not. Hypnosis, In fact, it's just a flow state. It is a state of focus on something that you are very interested done something where you can find yourself doing it without even realizing?
Like, when you get invested in a task that you really enjoy. Like, when you are Very much invested in a great song or maybe you're doing an activity that requires a lot of hand eye coordination or Just a lot of your focus. You find yourself naturally entering the state like the world is fading around you, and you don't mind Because you are so focused on this state, and you enjoy it very much. My good puppy, And you're very familiar with this state. For example, I like to play video games.
That's something I enjoy doing. And when I'm in a game where it demands a lot more of my focus, I find myself not focusing on anything else but what's in front of me. And even if my mind wanders while I play the game, I'm still paying attention. I'm still doing all of these different things at once, And my body doesn't even realize what it's doing. And that is what I consider to be a state of hypnosis, and it's one that I really, really enjoy.
And once I have bridged the gap between something that has become so normalized and something that I wish to do in a kink setting, Then I can much easier reach that headspace in the cake setting. Kind of like how right now you are listening so intently to my voice. Even if you've got something else going on inside your head, you always come back to me, my good puppy. Almost like this trigger that I have of this clicker It's designed to keep bringing you back to me even if you think you've got some sort of focus issue. I have them too, but don't worry.
I've got this very, very important clicker, my good puppy, and it always keeps you coming back to me. It leaves you feeling very, very good and obedient every time you refocus on me? And it feels so right every single time. And when you remember just how far you've come? Like, when I say the word drop, you're reminded of that heaviness all over your body?
Like, a weight is pushing down on you, and you're sinking, and you feel heavier when I say drop, my good puppy? This is what hypnosis is all about, and you're doing so very, very good, my good puppy. And it feels so nice and so good, and you enjoy it every single moment, my good puppy. As of now, I've just been giving you commands very softly and very gently because I know that you Alright. Very, very good and very relaxed puppy, but you haven't quite reached that state of hypnosis just yet, But you're about to.
I wanted to describe the feeling so you would know exactly how it feels. And Don't worry. Hypnosis is different for everyone, my good puppy. But if you'd like to imagine this for a moment, Imagine I have created a command that will compound upon everything else in this file, and that command It's already inside your hand, and you know it, and you'll know it when you hear it. But the addition of something unexpected right before the command might just be enough to push you into a deeper state of hypnosis.
Something where you find your conscious mind totally asleep while your subconscious mind listens to every Single command that I give it, and it loves that feeling. And you are very, very interested to try that, my good puppy. Aren't you? Yes. You are.
Yes. You are. Such a good puppy. Feeling so good when you listen to me? And I want you to imagine in this state of hypnosis, like a full body heaviness where you can't do much thinking at all?
You just lay there and listen and feel so very good. You feel a sort of pride in not being able to think for yourself, and that's something that you're very familiar with, my good puppy. It's a feeling that sometimes you have to fake it before it actually starts working, and that is totally okay. Just know that hypnosis is all about practicing a state of mind. So if you are just playing along?
Fake it till you make it kind of thing. That is exactly what I want you to do, my good puppy. Because eventually, When I get these commands, you'll know immediately that you need to start playing along without even needing to think about it. You can pretend to be dumb. And after enough practice, enough of this rehearsal, you'll start to actually believe it.
And that is such a good feeling, my good puppy. It feels so fucking good to know that a command It's so ingrained into you. I wanted to let you know that you always have the power to keep these triggers from people that you don't trust? It's okay. You trust me.
Right? You know that I'm just here to give you a good time, and I don't wanna hurt you. I wanted to communicate that to you so that you feel nice and safe with me, my good puppy. And if you just wanna come back to that relaxing state when I tell you to interrupt And feel heavy. Feel heavier and heavier with every time that I say, drop.
And it feels good. That heaviness can feel so very good. And I wanted to remind you one more time that familiar feeling of a heavyweight pushing down on you? In addition to that, you'll also get this heavyweight on your intelligence, on your mind, making it hard to think for yourself? And you'll feel pride knowing that you need me think for you?
And it's gonna feel so fucking good to be dumb, to really, really feel like you can't do any more thinking. Like, you're just A dumb puppy, and you like that feeling. Do you wanna be a dumb puppy? Do you? Of course, you do, my good puppy.
So just listen. It's gonna be okay. Just listen. I'm gonna have you open your eyes really, really quick. I know the light can be So great, but just open your eyes for me, and I want you to find 1 spot on the wall or the ceiling, Whichever works for you.
The idea is that your eyes should strain a little bit while you look at it so that they get with this tiredness? Obviously, you're not trying to hurt yourself, but there should be some strain on the even numbers like 10. You're gonna have your eyes open and focusing on that spot. And on the odd numbers like 1, you're gonna have your eyes closed. So the idea is they'll be open, and then next number comes and they'll be closed, and then they'll be open.
And you'll get this sort of tiredness in your eyes that will radiate all the way through your body and your mind wearing you down? And it'll feel so, so very good. And when I say 1, I'm going to give you the suggestion to drop, And it's going to feel so good all over your body, and you're gonna feel so dumb, and you're gonna have this willingness to listen and obey? You're gonna have the suggestibility that's going to make everything feel so fucking good. Are you ready, puppy?
Of course, you are. And I'm sure you found a spot by now, and you've already started looking at it. So let's get this started before your eyes get too tired. With 10, your eyes are open, And they're focused on that one spot, and there's a little bit of strain, and it feels actually a little bit nice. And with 9, you can close your eyes and that strain fades away.
But with 8, you open your eyes back up And they start to strain on that spot again. And with 7, you close your eyes and you realize how nice that feels. And with 6, You obey and open your eyes again, and that strain returns, and you can feel yourself listening with 5. You close your eyes again, And you're halfway there and that relaxation starts to really set in. And with 4, you open your eyes and that strain is back, And you're really, really focused on that spot with 3, and that relaxation returns with 2.
Your eyes are open back again. It Sakes so much to keep them open. It's so difficult with 1 drop. That's right. Drop.
And that feels so good. Dumber as you drop. Feeling so stupid as you drop, and you Feel so good, my good puppy. Very good. Good job, my stupid dog.
Hi, my stupid Peppy. You can't do much thinking at all, and that's exactly how I like you. You enjoy the state where you can't think at all. You just listen to my voice. And when you listen to my voice.
It feels so fucking good. I've got so much to say, and you've got nothing to think. And that just feels so very good. The more I speak, the more you Listen, the better it feels. The dumber you feel, my good puppy, feeling so stupid and dumb as your brain sinks deeper and deeper, that full body weight pushing down on you, sinking In deeper and deeper as you listen to my voice and you realize how easy this has always been, my good puppy.
Listening to the sound of my voice, sinking deeper and deeper, so stupid, so That's all for me. You think nice, happy puppy thoughts, my good puppy. Feeling so good as you listen to the sound of my voice. The hypnosis sets in. The trances here.
It All feels so natural to you. The state of hypnosis where you can't think of all of my suggestions are inside your head. It feels so good. It feels so When you have me inside your mind, you can't do much thinking at all. You just smile and enjoy this feeling, dumbness over your entire body feeling so nice and so good, and that's so natural.
And you're such a good puppy, such a very, very good puppy in this headspace where you can't do much of anything. You just smile and drool on this exactly What a good puppy should feel like these pings of pleasure. Every time you hear the clicker just feels so nice in conjunction with my voice, and you feel so stupid every time you hear it. My good puppy Same thing so much with every passing moment and a stupid feeling of your mind where you can't think at all. You just let me do all the thinking for you and all that I have for your suggestions make you feel dumber and dumber as your body feels so fucking heavy?
This can even be arousing. If you want to shut yourself right now, that's perfectly fine. That's perfectly okay. You can do that for me. But no coming.
There's is gonna be no coming in this file, but you can absolutely edge. You can feel those great waves of butter feeling so very fucking good. My good puppy, feeling so good you listen to the sound of my voice that arouses are growing as you edge for me, as you feel dumber and dumber, letting this intense pleasure make these suggestions even stronger when I tell you to Feel like That's right. Keep dropping for me, and it feels so fucking good just to listen to my voice, and it feels so dumb when you can't think, as you just listen, as you just enjoy Yourself feeling so stupid, so dumb. My good puppy.
Feeling so very good as these suggestions sink deeper and deeper inside your mind think you've lost track of time. How long has it even been? How long have you been unable to think? How long have I had your complete attention? And the more you think about it, the more realize that you've been in this state of hypnosis as long as you can remember for as long as we've been speaking together, my good puppy, and that you feel even dumber for me the second you heard my voice.
You were falling into my trap. And when I say fall, you know that means to Drop. That's my good puppy. Feeling so good when I tell you to. Drop my good puppy.
This feels so intense. Suggestions are so potent. The triggers start to embed into your head, and you feel like you can't do much of anything. But listen, even if you get closer to that edge, it's worthless. It doesn't mean anything?
Because you know, I've already told you that there's no coming in this file, my good puppy. Feeling so good as I edge you, as you You're hopping your biannualus, and it feels so fucking good. Just being in the state of hypnosis is enough closure for you. You don't need much more feeling clicker train feels so good. My good puppy.
Knowing that this clicker is such a strong asset to my files, realizing that this clicker, my good Puppy is exactly what keeps you and me feeling so close with each other. My good puppy, feeling so good as you feel dumber and dumber as you Drops are so good. Your mind starts to slow. Like, you can't think at all. And it's so so Simple.
Realizing that I'm the only thing inside your head. Realizing that you don't have anything to say. You don't have anything to think. All you have are these urges that I put inside your head, and that's a good puppy knowing that you've always been like this for as long as you can remember? It feels so good.
It feels right, my good puppy. You feel so nice as you relax and that heaviness returns as you drop. That's right. Drop even more. And what were you thinking about again?
You Can't quite remember. Maybe it was a word. My good puppy. What was that word again? Oh, right.
That word was Drop. Such a nice word. Drop. Feeling so good when you Drop. And you just feel so good.
My pretty puppy. Feeling so good knowing that this trigger is So simple. And it's finally been given to you. It's finally been installed properly. My good puppy, feeling nice and comfortable and happy Be with this trigger, my good puppy.
Feeling like you can keep coming back to this feeling anytime I give you the command. And This feeling of dumbness of being unable to think is so relaxing and so rejuvenating. It lets you realize that when I wake you up. You're gonna be nice and energized and happier, almost like you're a golden retriever, and you're just happy B to b around. Isn't that right, my good puppy?
My dumb idiot puppy. I just think it's so cute when you drop for me. Like, you didn't even Realize what I was gonna do to you this whole time. You blissfully ignored the tags thinking that I wasn't Actually going to arouse you and keep you on the end. Oh, that's too fucking bad, puppy.
You just get a little tease, a little treat, a little milk bone for you to gnaw on while you listen to my voice. You actually thought I was gonna make you cum. No. Of course, I wasn't, Bevy. Why on earth Would I do that for you?
I prefer you dumb and edge and listening and with a bunch of new triggers inside your head. I think that's Much better position for an obedient mutt to be in. That's right, my good puppy. You like that, And you definitely have earned it. You've earned to this place.
You've worked for it, and you've put in All of that brainpower just for me to take it away. So remember your triggers, my good puppy? Because they're here to stay. I'm gonna go ahead and wake you up now, and you'll be able to come back to this vial. And if you'd Like, you can have absolutely no recollection of what we've done here today.
Every time you think of this file, you'll remember the name, and you'll Remember the name, and you remember the triggers, and you remember how it made you feel, but you won't remember what happens As if during our countdown, you just go blank, and then you wake up and you feel great, and that can be such a powerful addition. So just know that I'm very, very proud of puppy? And I'm gonna go ahead and wake you up, and I'll do a little bit of aftercare. You'll get a little bit of ramble from me, and then I'll send you on your way, and can do whatever you'd like to do after this. So it's gonna be a little bit like before, but instead, I'm gonna count from 1 to 10.
And when I reach 10, you're gonna be full of energy. You're gonna be wide awake, and you're gonna be feeling good, like you've really enjoyed this. And you understand that, don't you, puppy? Of course. You do.
So listen. With 1, you're still so deep and relaxed and feeling so nice in this empty headspace where there's nothing going on inside your mind? With 2, you take another step. With 3, You take another step up the staircase. With 4, feeling that wakefulness start to return a little bit.
Maybe you wanna stretch out your limbs. With 5? You can feel this thought start to return a little bit knowing that you're already halfway there with 6? You may even start to have some new thoughts, and you may start to stretch a little bit more. Oh, big stretch.
Very good, my good puppy. With 7, you feel your mind start to wake up a lot more, and you feel a lot more alert and awake. With 8, you know, you're nearly there. You're almost completely awake, and you're just waiting for my command. With 9, one more step.
And then with Ten, you're up, up, up. Wide awake up. And you can stretch it out. Hello, my good puppy. Let me just stick with you for a moment and tell you that I'm very, very proud of you And that I really, really enjoyed this improv.
I've been practicing with some playmates that don't know me as soft Because I wanted to get more comfortable with my hypnosis as a whole. I've been enjoying, practicing hypnosis with people So I can bring it back and share what I'm good at with you, and maybe that'll give me stronger files overall. I've been having a little bit of discipline problems with writing files and stuff like that. I don't wanna force myself to write a new file if I don't think it's gonna be good. I recently posted on My silly little Patreon about, a file that was coming up.
And don't worry, my Patreon puppies. It's Still in the works. But it's just like, I'm not gonna write it with a bunch of filler stuff. That's gonna make it lame. Right.
Like, I want, you know, I want it to be cool or whatever. But, yeah, I I'm still here. I'm still Doing a bunch of stuff. There's, like, stuff in the Twitter world that has been consuming a lot of my waking hours when I'm not trying to goof off. And I've been really enjoying it.
I've been enjoying myself, but, the cold winter months, It seems are finally starting to arrive, and that time of year is always just so romantic to me, and it makes me wanna make everything so Intimate and personal. So that's why I decided to do an improv, and I really enjoyed it. I'm I I enjoyed this, so hopefully, this comes out good. Hopefully, you like it. And I know I've kinda rambled off for a while here, but, yeah, I'm still here.
I'm still doing hypno stuff, but I I really felt like I was out of practice for a while there. And I wanted to practice it so I could bring more, like, Passion and and intimacy and and make it personal. So, thanks for sticking around with me and enjoying my stuff because it it means a lot. I I know you know that, but, like, it means a lot, and I appreciate it. So I suppose that's enough for the ramble heads.
I hope you have a great day. I hope you have a great night. I hope you have a great afternoon whenever you're listening to this. And, I don't know. Treat yourself.
Right? Get get get get yourself a little treat. Get yourself, like, an actual like, a little treat. You know what I mean? Yeah.
I like I said, I enjoyed this, and I hope to hear from you soon.