Gob Induction File Erotic Hypnosis Script
Hello, and welcome to your trans recording. This recording file be used every time you want to make your triggers become more intense more and gray more looped into your mind When you listen to this file, you'll be able to reinstall your triggers. With that being said, during this session, I will ask you questions. It's important for you to audibly say yes, master in return to the questions I ask. As we begin this trance, I want you to start counting down from 55.
Counting down every breath you take. Counting down and with every mistake you make resetting your count to whatever 10 digit you're in. So if you were to say 55, 54, 53, 53. On that mistake, you would reset to 59. If you were down 33, 32, 33, 34.
You would reset at 39. As you count down, you will notice yourself becoming more and more focused on my voice. More suggestible, more submissive, more excited To be under my control, my influence, to be able to allow me to control you temporarily in this trance, To explain or remind you of what a trance is. A trance is a state of complete and total focus. …
Hello, and welcome to your trans recording. This recording file be used every time you want to make your triggers become more intense more and gray more looped into your mind When you listen to this file, you'll be able to reinstall your triggers. With that being said, during this session, I will ask you questions. It's important for you to audibly say yes, master in return to the questions I ask. As we begin this trance, I want you to start counting down from 55.
Counting down every breath you take. Counting down and with every mistake you make resetting your count to whatever 10 digit you're in. So if you were to say 55, 54, 53, 53. On that mistake, you would reset to 59. If you were down 33, 32, 33, 34.
You would reset at 39. As you count down, you will notice yourself becoming more and more focused on my voice. More suggestible, more submissive, more excited To be under my control, my influence, to be able to allow me to control you temporarily in this trance, To explain or remind you of what a trance is. A trance is a state of complete and total focus. You have been in trans many times before.
Even if you have not realized it, be it an excellent book, movie, TV show or game or time seems to fly. Focused on nothing else, of the activity you're doing. That is what trans is. Hypnosis uses trance, and hypnosis is using a state of heightened suggestibility to give you suggestions for you to follow while focused and accepting those suggestions into your mind. So now continue your counting.
If you have not started already, every counts down Becoming more and more difficult. Almost necessary for you to loop By the time you are in single digits, if at any point in time you reach 0, You will feel another wave of trans wash over you. You will our begin. This time from 45, 35, 25, etcetera. Counting down over and over every single breath as you answer questions for me.
Understood? Good. Now I am going to ask you questions. And like I said before, You will respond with yes master accepting these triggers accepting what I say Knowing I am here to assist you to help here to bring you down. Do you trust me?
Do you trust your son? Do you want to be trans? Would you agree that you are agreeable? Would you agree that you are submissive? Would you agree that you want to give yourself to me To allow me temporary control.
To allow me to reshape your thoughts, Feelings, sensations, experiences all for the sake of trans Is that what you want? Is that what you desire? Yeah. Now want you to do something for me. For you will be very easy to trans.
I want you to take your right hand and raise it slightly then place it upon your nose. Have you done as I have asked? Good. Oh. You may place your hand back down into a comfortable position.
Notice how easily you will be. Notice How you did so without a second thought. This is the basis of hypnosis. Mindless obedience, thoughtless obedience, allowing me to allow my words to be read in your mind, greater than your thoughts, letting yourself Fall deeper and deeper still. Sure you've noticed the errors that you have made in your counting.
Each air bringing you down just a bit, Just a bit deeper for me. Theo is so good, so natural, So welcoming. I am going to have my own countdown separate from you. Whenever I say deep drop, you will feel yourself falling twice as deep Into trance than you were before Until you were so deep that your hidden observer is no longer there. Trance level 10.
At any point in time, You need to remove these triggers. You can do so by simply saying trigger break 5 times allowed, and You will be free from the suggestion of any trigger. I implant upon you Now do you accept this trigger? Yeah 5 was once many thoughts Bubbling around zipping around in your mind now condensing As your mind begins to slow, 4, your thoughts becoming cloudy making your brain and mind a murkier place, my words being the light to guide your thoughts. 3, the clouding of your mind beginning to pour down in a rain, Washing over your brain, making it clean and suggestible, ready to accept It's further hypnotic suggestions to the thoughts Boring.
Swirling. Praying down. Feeling it run out of your mind. Down your neck. Off your shoulders to your arms, flowing out of your fingertips, Flowing down your chest, your hips, your legs, your groin, All the way down to your feet, your toes, All of your thumbs simply running down your body like a flowing stream.
1. So eager to drop. So ready to go into trans. To accept me. 0.
Deep drop. Deep drop. Deep drum. Deep drum. Allowing yourself to deep Drop every time you deep drop feeling a bit more.
And trans feeling A bit more suggests feeling a bit more relaxed. Feeling a bit more Comforted. Deep drop. Deep drop. Those words tingling in your mind.
Deep drop. Deep drop. So blissful. So easy. So natural to deep drop, deep drop letting myself into your mind.
Every thong goes plump. Every pimp lets you deep drop. Deep drop. Deep drop. Are you a trans?
I know you are. I will let you Fall deeper and deeper. Most subjects fall to Trans level 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being so deep that their hidden observer is gone. You may already feel at level 10, but if you are like most subjects, and I will assume you are at 8.
Nice and deep, relaxed, submissive, ready to obey any suggestion that I give to you so long that it is safe and within your limits. However, you may also feel the slightest bit of thought entering your mind before it goes pop So I ask you Do you wish to trance to level 10? To trance so deep That your hidden observer is gone. To allow yourself complete and total obedience to me. To allow your mind to go on a vacation so that I may speak directly with your subconscious.
Is that what you desire? Good. Yeah. Deep drum. Deep drum.
Deep drum. Falling bits by bit as you Deep drum. Now familiar with this new level, or was it the level before? So hard to tell when you deep drum, deep drum, Deeper and deeper, entering a new level now, letting yourself deep drop, Deep drop. Those words reverberating in your mind.
Allowing my words As your thoughts, your feeling, your being, being properly hypnotized Just as you desire. Notice yourself at this wonderful level. Level 10. How your thoughts are empty. And easily ignore, focus only on my words.
As a reward, Every time I say head pat, you will feel a head pat Upon your head, soft and warm, it will fill you with reassurance and comfort and make you slightly more obedient to me and my words. Do you understand? Do you accept this trigger good? Feel the pat upon your head and pat How comforting it is to feel this way You know as a reward Whenever I say good slave if you are some you will become hard. If you are hard, you will throb in pleasure.
If you are throbbing, And you will feel on the verge of orgasm for 9 seconds every time I say good slave Understood Good. Let's test it Good slave Be a good slave for me Such a good sleigh. If This has been effective for you continue listening otherwise pause the audio and restart the countdown from the beginning of the trance. With the being set you are ready for your task trigger For the task trigger whenever I say secret slave, You will feel a need to do whatever I ask so long that it is safe. You will not notice I have used this trigger after you understand what I said, what the task is, and instead feel as if it was your own thought natural forgetting I used the trigger, but feeling the need to obey all the same.
Understood? Do you accept this trigger? Good display now secret slay answer mind controlled to the 2nd question I asked Are you enjoying your trans good? And how do you feel? Did you answer mind control?
If so Congratulations the triggers are in place And you are ready to be able to experience my wonderful hypnotic suggestions. If not, you will be able to relisten to this recording And re answer feel like more suggestible to my words With every time you hear my voice, the triggers are now firmly in place You are ready to listen to further recordings I am going to count up to 5. As I count up, you'll be brought more and more out of trans. Lighter and lighter, when I say awaken, you will be awoken from trance. Trigger cemented firmly in place 1, the submissive obedient to a deep breath in feeling energized rejuvenated, refreshed.
3, the cogs of your mind beginning to turn once more, Waking up bit by bit for awareness returning, allowing distractions Enter your mind once more 5 awaken and welcome back You had done it. The trance triggers are in place. You were such a good slave, and you deserve many a head pant secret slave. You will respond to me and my message I am your slave whenever you finish this recording end of suggestion and Welcome back. I hope you enjoy and we're gonna have a lot of fun.